Monday, July 4, 2011

Getting A Job

As most of us are used to, the most common way to earn for a living is to get a job. Well, I'll be talking a little bit about that today.

There are 2 types of jobs. One that uses your physical abilities and another that uses your mental abilities. Physical jobs are jobs like being a janitor, construction worker and maid. This kind of job is the worst kind of job you can possibly get because this is wasting our most valuable asset: our BRAIN.

The other type is whereby you 'sell' your intelligence. This kind of jobs include jobs like architect, lawyer and doctor. Notice they don't have to be physically fit to work? Yeah, that's because their using their brains. This kind of job is the most leveraged kind of job out there. It's what humans are supposed to do.

But the fact that you've stumbled across this blog means that you're here to learn about other ways to earn for a living. Well, did you know you can convert your ideas, passion and creativity into MONEY? I'd explain everything to you but here's the site that will let you check it out yourself. HERE